• Get Ready for LWML Sunday - Traditionally the first Sunday in October. Click on image above for resources
  • Chimney Rock Zone Fall Rally Ingathering for CASA $400 was collected to purchase bags for kids (click on image for more info)
  • Powder River Zone Fall Rally Ingathering Teddy Bears for Wyoming Highway Patrol Association
  • Ladies Retreat - Aug 23-24, 2024. Click on image for more information and photo slide show.
  • Equiping the Saints to Serve - Growing Your Group: Click on image for more information
  • Convention Slideshow Available - Click on the Image to View
  • Photos of the 2023 National Convention - Cllick on Image for News/Events tab - LWML 40th Biennial Convention
  • Do you know where your Mite Box is??? Your generous donation helps fund mission grants. Thank You!!!

Welcome to the
LWML Wyoming District Website!!!

Sixty congregations in six zones are spread across the state of Wyoming, the panhandle of Nebraska, and a congregation in northern Colorado.

Like the landscape, our hearts are wide and open filled with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lutheran Women in Mission  joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.  For over fifty years, members from the LWML Wyoming District have been “Serving the Lord With Gladness” through financial support and gathering Gifts from the Heart to benefit the lives of those throughout the world.

Please visit our website often to find the latest information about district and zone events. 

"Serving the Lord with gladness,"

LWML Wyoming District President
"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."    Philippians 4:4-6 (NIV)

Notes From the Desk of
LWML WY District President, Terri Denniston

Newsletter Sept 2024

Beginnings! In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. John 1:1 We start anew. Some are finishing a term of office, some are beginning a new term. If you are beginning, start with the Word of God – Jesus. If you are ending, finish with the Word of God – Jesus. Notice the dash? Whether beginning or ending, we are in the dash which is the journey of a Christian life NOW.

At our Women’s Retreat this August held in the beautiful lodge at Harriman Retreat Center, Terri Bentley, President of the LWML Utah-Idaho District introduced us to the classic literature of John Bunyun and his widely printed book, The Pilgrim’s Progress. This classic allegory is underpinned with Holy Scripture. Christian – the main character – carries a burden of sin on his journey. As we studied and shared, we found our eyes focused on the Word – Jesus Christ, our one and only true Savior. Terri summarized it well…. “The earthly burden may not be taken away, but finding rest in the arms of Jesus is a promised blessing better than any earthly relief.” And… “Remember, it is only through the Holy Spirit that anyone is saved. We are sent to plant those seeds of grace.” This retreat can be found under “Let’s Grab our Shoes and Go!” on the lwml.org website. It is the district’s hope that we have a retreat every even year in the future. What would you like to study? Let us know!

Our journey for the final two years of my presidency is now beginning. Your elected officers and the appointed committee members will be meeting soon to map out that journey. We hope you will participate anywhere you can. Trust that we always begin with prayer and Bible Study. “Growing in God’s Grace” our 2026 theme verse for LWML Convention in Omaha will surround all we do. We look forward to seeing how God’s grace will grow in us and around us as we work together to joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to
honor God by serving others.

Terri Denniston
LWML WY District

(Read More from the Desk of LWML WY District President Terri)

The comments and opinions expressed herein on this website do not necessarily reflect the beliefs and point of view of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League or The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Statements are made exclusively by the author(s) and appear as written and have not been subjected to the Lutheran Women's Missionary League or The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod doctrinal review process.
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version(R) (ESV(R)) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.  All rights reserved. Copyright © 2017