Rev. Patrick Baldwin - LWML WY District Senior Pastoral Counselor

Rev. Patrick Baldwin: 
LWML WY District Senior Pastoral Counselor


Winter 2024-5 Website Article
(Posted 12/12/2024)

It always catches me a little by surprise when I notice how it’s dark so much earlier this time of year. The darkness, combined with the cold, can make winter a little dreary. And yet, the darkness makes the light seem all the brighter. The moon and stars seem clearest and brightest on those cold winter nights. The light coming through the church windows feels warmer and more inviting when we pull up for Advent evening services. The lights shining and blinking on the houses on our street appear all the more cheerful against the snow and night. The gift of light is one that God gives to us to remind us of Himself and His love, ever
present for us in Christ.

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. - Genesis 1:3

Light was the very first thing God spoken into existence. Into that inky void, His voice sounded, and immediately brilliance erupted, pushing back the darkness. That light would shine as God gave order to chaos, shaping the earth and filling it with life. In that light, the Lord would make those who would bear His image, man from the dust, and woman from man’s side. That light was good, illuminating a world that was very good.

In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. - John 1:4

Though creation would be plunged into darkness through the sin of man, the God of light would not let it remain so. He Himself would come, bringing light and life once more. Heavenly light would blaze as angels declared divine peace and good will to humble shepherds. The light of a miraculous star would guide Gentiles to worship before the King of the Jews. And in the early morning light, faithful women would be told, “He is not here, for He has risen, as He said!”

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. - Psalm 119:105

Enlightened and inspired by God the Holy Spirit, holy men of God would be carried along to write down God’s word. Through this word, light is brought into our hearts, casting out the sin within us. The light of the word gives us hope in a world increasingly given over to darkness. It shines with warmth to comfort us when confronted by sadness and death. It illuminates our path, showing us how to walk as children of the light, that the world may see and give glory to our Father in heaven.

During this season when the darkness last longer, give thanks for the extra luster it adds to the light. Gather together with fellow Christians around Christ, the light of the world. Read the light of His word in your homes, and sing it in the wonderful hymns we’ve been handed down, such as “Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star” and “The Day Thou Gavest.” And in all things, remember the wonderful news that “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

The Lord be with you all,
Pastor Baldwin

July 2024

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” This was the theme verse chosen
for the Twenty-seventh Biennial Convention – and what a fitting verse it was! There were

many reasons for rejoicing there in Powell: time spent in fellowship with friends old and new,
hearing about various ways in which our Lord is using even little mites to spread His Gospel
and care for His people, and of course gathering to be fed by Him through Word and
Sacrament in the Divine Service. Of course, these are just a few of the many reasons we
were given to rejoice; I’m sure you can think of many others. (Maybe even surprise donut
walks that caught certain pastoral counselors unaware!)

But what about times where the reasons to rejoice aren’t as obvious – if you can see
them at all? Both convention speakers, Mrs. Rosanne Muncy and Deaconess Stephanie
Wilde, talked about occasions where worldly joy was hard to find. For individuals in prison
and children suffering from traumatic experiences, causes for rejoicing may seem completely
obscured by sadness and pain. And even in our own lives, times of trial – big or small –
would seem to take away our ability to rejoice. Where do we turn in these times?

As our theme verse reminds us, we turn to the Lord and rejoice in Him. Both Mrs.
Muncy and Deaconess Wilde made this point in their excellent presentations. And even
more, we heard this truth in the hymn beautifully sung by the ladies of the Divine Service
Choir. In the words of “Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing,” the great Lutheran hymn writer
Paul Gerhardt reminds us that God Himself is our source of joy. Whatever happens, we can
cast our cares on Him. In times of gladness and in times of joy, we know that our Lord in
wisdom is using them to bring about a blessed ending. In every hour, God is our true
treasure, joy, light, life, Lord, counselor, shield, and great reward, and therefore these things
cannot be taken from us!

Because God has made us His people in Holy Baptism, we are never without a reason
to rejoice. In the coming two years that I get to serve as Senior Pastoral Counselor for our
district, I hope to share in many more occasions of rejoicing. And even when those draw to a
close, we know that the greater rejoicing is still yet to come!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Baldwin