LWML Chimney Rock Zone
Including the cities of:
Bayard, NE; Big Springs, NE; Bridgeport, NE; Chappell, NE; Gering, NE; Gurley, NE; Potter, NE; Scottsbluff, NE; Sidney, NE
President......................Stanna Funk
Vice President..............Irma Walter
Secretary......................Becky Blase
Treasurer......................Jeanette Stahl
Christian Life...............Julia Zechiel
Leader Development...Becky Blase
Human Care................Irma Walter
Pastoral Counselor......Rev. Richard Neugebauer
(Photo taken at the Fall Rally, Sept 28, 2024)
Chimney Rock Zone Christian Life Spring Workshop
Save the Date!!!
All women are invited to the
LWML Chimney Rock Zone Spring Workshop
April 5, 2025
Trinity Lutheran Church (South Divide)
12108 County Rd 6
Sidney, NE 69162
Workshop Theme: Growing in God’s Grace
Based on 2025 LWML Convention Theme “Growing in God’s Grace” (2 Peter 3:19)
Registration 9:30 – 10:00
(no registration fee)
Monetary ingathering – Potter’s Wheel Ministries, Scottsbluff, NE
Offering – Chimney Rock Zone to help defray expenses for delegate to attend 2025National Convention in Omaha, NE
Noon lunch will be provided by Trinity Lutheran LWML
Chimney Rock Zone Fall Rally
September 28, 2024
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” Proverbs 31:8a.
Scottsbluff St. John’s Lutheran Church Ed Building
2220 Broadway (parking in back) Scottsbluff, NE
What a beautiful day to spend with our LWML sisters and brothers. There were 26 members, 2 Pastors, and 1 guest in attendance.
Pastor Neugebauer and his wife, Debbie, lead Bible Study, "Two Worlds," which included pictures from their trip to Greece following the footsteps of Paul. What an exciting and very interesting trip!!! Thank you for sharing your experiences.
(Roxi Engelland, McKenna Eden, and Susan O'Brien with items purchased for CASA)
Guest Speaker, McKenna Eden (middle), representative from CASA - "Court Appointed
Special Advocates" talked about her experience working as a volunteer in the program. CASA is a national association in the United States that supports and promotes court-appointed advocates for abused or neglected children. Ingathering will be cash for duffle bags for CASA/Foster Care children
Items purchased with the generous $400 monetary ingathering included 5-20" bags for young children, 12-22" bags for most kids, and 4-28" bags with wheels for teens, plus 2 fleece blankets
Chimney Rock Zone Members Serving
on the District Board with WY District
President, Terri Deniston
Sheila Phelps - Webmanager
Irma Walter - Treasurer
Terri Deniston - WY District President
Stanna Funk - Christian Life Assistant
Becky Blase - Vice President of Christian Life
Chimney Rock Zone
Elected Officers 2024-2025
Becky Blase - Secretary
Jeanette Stahl - Treasurer
Stanna Funk - President
Irma Walter - Vice President