Gifts of Love

How will your blessings reflect your faith?

Join Carol von Soosten, LWML's Gifts of Love Gift Planning Counselor, on February 11 for a free, one-hour webinar starting at 11:30 CST (10:30 MST). Learn how to create a charitable estate plan that supports your family and the ministries you love. Gain practical, faith-filled guidance to ensure your wishes are carried out. Don’t miss this opportunity to plan with purpose

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What if we just give it to the kids and let them worry about it?


Finishing up a round of golf, Sam complained about being so busy that he can’t golf as much as he wanted to in retirement. “My game is still bad, and I can’t play enough to get better. Between doctor appointments, meeting with my financial advisor, attending the two boards I serve on at Church, and all the projects my wife gives me, I just can’t play.”

Frank replied, “I know what you mean. My wife wants us to redo our estate plan, but I keep telling her that I’m too busy already. I think we should just hand it over to the kids and let them worry about it.”

This sentiment is common, as the task of creating or updating a Christian estate plan seems daunting with the thought of hard work and expense. There is both work and expense involved, but that price has a value. In the gift plan you create, you are directing God’s gifts. He has entrusted them into your care. With that trust comes responsibility to put a plan together along with choosing responsible representatives to ensure accountability to make sure your wishes, God’s plan, is carried out.

With a friend, you can get started on this project and find it won’t really be that bad. 

Your LWML Gift Planning Counselor can be that friend.
Contact - Carol vonSoosten Phone: 800-741-4138

Contact - Carrie Brumbaugh Gift Planning Advocate: