Welcome to the
LWML Wyoming District Website!!!
Sixty congregations in six zones are spread across the state of Wyoming, the panhandle of Nebraska, and a congregation in northern Colorado.
Like the landscape, our hearts are wide and open filled with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lutheran Women in Mission joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. For over fifty years, members from the LWML Wyoming District have been “Serving the Lord With Gladness” through financial support and gathering Gifts from the Heart to benefit the lives of those throughout the world.
Please visit our website often to find the latest information about district and zone events.
"Serving the Lord with gladness,"

Notes From the Desk of
LWML WY District President, Terri Denniston
Newsletter February 2025
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God gives the growth. (1 Corinthians 3:7)
I asked the Board of Directors to chose a theme for this biennium to help us stay focused on our mission. One of the overarching requests from the 2024 convention evaluations was, “how do we grow our groups?” The board wrestled with this and explored some ideas. National LWML also wrestles with this and has a committee to put forth various resources to meet that need. Go to lwml.org and put ‘grow’ in the search line – resources abound! But all who work with growth in numbers conclude that the best way to grow a group is to invite. Write a personal note, sharing why you are involved in LWML, then call, invite and offer a ride to the next meeting. Remember LWML culture will likely need to be explained. Recently a long time member of my church agreed to come to our society meeting. We were talking about how our mites funded mission grants. Quietly she said, “I don’t know what mites are?” Growth can mean understanding, too.
No matter how we reach out to others, only God gives the growth. Our LWML Lutheran Women in Mission belongs to Him. We can plant by joyfully proclaiming Christ, we can water by supporting missions and equipping others and then we rejoice as the Holy Spirit gives the faith to join us in the work appointed for us to do. Why are YOU in LWML? I have many reasons. I love the fellowship, I love the Bible Study, I love the mission stories that come back to us from far flung countries. But I love because God first loved us and I love Jesus because of that. How will you grow?
Terri Denniston
LWML WY District
(Read More from the Desk of LWML WY District President Terri)
Get Ready - Get Set - Let's GO to OMAHA!!!
As you make preparations to attend the LWML National Convention in Omaha, NE, in June, don't forget to take time to enjoy the sights and sounds of this beautiful city in the Heartland of the USA!!!
And, make sure to sign up for the Bi-State Bridge Mission Pledge Walk along the Bob Kerry Pedestrian Bridge
Extend your trip with a pre- or post-convention tour! View descriptions, times, and pricing for the 2025 pre- and post-convention tour possibilities.
Click here to view printable Tours flyer or Visit the Tours website here
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Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version(R) (ESV(R)) Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2017