What is the LWML Leader Development Committee?

Leader Development Chairman.....................Cheryl Maas
Leader Development Assistant...................... Cheri Jones

One of the main focuses of the Leader Development Committee is to provide ideas and resources for Member Development.  

Check out the multiple resources available at  LWML LEADER DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES

Leadership Tips: Articles posted from the LWML website


Equipping the Saints to Serve - Growing Your Group
(Article Posted:  September, 2024)

Another meeting. Another program. Another … and you’re out of ideas. A farmer knows if the same thing is planted in the same soil year after year, eventually the harvest yield decreases. A practice called crop rotation is done to rest and restore the soil. When this is done, the harvest yield increases. When an LWML meeting becomes routine, the enthusiasm and interest drop and eventually attendance goes down. But never fear, help is here! The LWML Christian Resource Editors produce doctrinally approved materials each biennium to help plan group gatherings.

Group leaders looking for programing ideas can find the 2023–2025 program planner, Equipping Saints to Serve, a great place to start. The planner is found on the LWML website under the tab, The Word/Program Resources or click on the following link - Equipping Saints to Serve 2023–2025 Planner. Featured each month is a theme, Bible study with leader guide, and devotion. The devotion can be downloaded and read or listened to as an LWML On the Go Podcast. The entire 354-page planner can be downloaded and printed or you can print only the portion you need.

To take the routine out of your group event planning and to find a restored enthusiasm, utilize the many program helps found in the 2023–2025 program planner, Equipping Saints to Serve. May the Lord of the harvest bless your efforts.

2023–2025 Group Development Committee
Julie Hatesohl,
Cinda Poppe,
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources

Energize Membership
(April 11, 2024 article posted here - May 2, 2024))

The very best method to encourage women to join Lutheran Women in Mission is to personally care about each woman in the congregation as Jesus cares for her. Get to know her, be interested in her, share with her, be enthusiastic about LWML, and encourage her to become involved in some aspect of Lutheran Women in Mission with you.

Your positive words and attitudes about LWML energize others!

Some ideas to energize membership include:

  • New Brides — Have a recipe shower at a meeting. Visit the new bride and give her the recipes and an encouraging Bible verse for the new bride.
  • Mothers of New Babies — Present mothers with Dear Mother: Devotions for New Mothers 
  • Small Bible Study Groups — Care and share around the Word
    • Confirmand Parents Study — for parents during time of students’ confirmation class
    • Young Mothers — Provide babysitter for a morning out study
    • Working Women — 1/2-hour Bible study at noon — provide drinks
    • Prayer and Praise — 7:00–7:30 a.m. for working women
  • Visitors Packet — Packet of LWML materials given to welcome each visitor at an LWML meeting. The packet could be a file folder, a decorated manila envelope, or a zipper top bag. Contents could include:
    • LWML Brochure
    • Mustard Seed Devotion
    • Group Program Booklet
    • List of national and district mission grants
    • Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly
    • District Publication
    • Handwritten note of thanks for being a guest
    • Small LWML memento (Examples — Pen, Pencil, Candy, Post-it Notes)

Remember, each woman in the congregation will not be involved in every aspect of the Lutheran Women in Mission. Accept her where she is — but continue to challenge and share with her the various areas of LWML.

Be all you can be — an energized Lutheran Woman in Mission serving the Lord with gladness!

2023–2025 Group Development Committee Members
Julie Hatesohl
Cinda Poppe
Jennifer Gierke, Chairman
Arlene Naasz, Vice President of Organizational Resources, advisory

Attributes of a Leader
(March 1, 2024)

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24–25).

No two groups of people have the same abilities because they are made up of unique individuals, each with their own set of God-given gifts. God has placed them together to achieve the plans that He has made for them. However, there are certain qualities that can be helpful in every effective leader:

           Listening to and learning from others in your group can bring about meaningful discussion that could turn a good idea into a plan of active service. Whoever belittles his neighbor lacks sense, but a man of understanding remains silent (Proverbs 11:12).

           Encourage others to use their talents and help channel them to where they are most effective within the group. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

           An agreeable attitude will go a long way in keeping a discussion moving and finding a successful compromise when necessary. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all (Romans 12:18).

           Devote time to prayer. Pray for the guidance God has promised to send, listen for His instructions, and move forward expecting Him to be there with you. Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2).

           Enthusiasm in your service to the Lord will set an energetic example for your group. When your energy is lagging, explain to your group what you are feeling and allow them to serve and support you. Don’t rob them of an opportunity for service. doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, (Ephesians 6:6b-7).

           Rejoice in your role as leader. God has placed you in this position for a reason and He will not abandon you. He has planned your life down to the smallest detail and will walk with you every step of the way. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).

Pray for and develop as many of these qualities as possible within yourself. Look for other leaders in your group with strong leadership qualities different from your own; mentor them and let them lead with you. Together your group can serve the Lord with gladness.

God's Blessings,

(The above article was posted on the National LWML Website November 09, 2023 3:03 PM by Patti Miller)


A Leader Understands the Need for Rest
(February 1, 2024)

And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation (Genesis 2:2–3).

Everybody needs rest. Sometimes we need physical rest from straining muscles and over exertion because there’s always one more thing on the “to do” list. Sometimes we need mental rest from worrisome thoughts about job or health issues, or planning the next event down to the last detail. Leaders understand that God knows our needs and has given us many opportunities and resources for regeneration of body and mind.


Rest is a time for worshipping our Creator and remembering all the gifts He has given us. It begins in the morning when we open our eyes and, in that first moment of consciousness, we thank God for the opportunity to serve Him another day and turn all our plans for the day over to Him. It continues through the day each time we pause in our duties and commitments to pray for those we work with and for, and we ask God to keep us moving forward with His plans. Evening devotions and/or a talk with our loving Father about the highs and lows of the day give us the opportunity to turn all those events over to the Lord so we can fall into a restful sleep knowing God is in control.

The best form of rest comes in the shape of corporate worship where there is restoration through confession and absolution, time to soak our thoughts in God’s Word, be steeped in forgiveness through the Sacraments, and joyfully praise our Lord with other believers in Christ. May God bless your rest and your glad service to Him!



Are you finding it difficult to keep your local LWML Societies active?



Our District LWML Board is hoping to help the societies and congregations of our district to enhance and supplement meetings and activities. We especially hope these ideas might encourage you to keep your LWML going even if you can't do a regular formal business meeting.

  • Collect mites. Put a mite collection box in a prominent place, make sure everyone has a mite box! Ladies, gentlemen, kids! Once per quarter ask for loose change from folks at the end of the Sunday service to send to mites.
  • Host a once a month/week ladies Bible study using LWML resources, Quarterly, Mustard Seeds, etc.
  • Get together at Starbucks or other Cafe casually once a month/week. Do a short devotion and just chat.
  • For younger gals, maybe a Moms & Tots kind of day. A Bible study, snack & kid friendly activity at church or maybe a library meeting room.

Here are some more ideas from National LWML:

  • Throw your church a kitchen shower to replenish kitchen supplies.
  • Host a baby shower for a local pregnancy center. Have cake & punch, and invite ladies in your church to bring a baby gift.
  • Take an interest poll in your group and invite a guest speaker to come speak to your group.
  • Have a baking party and take cookies to the shut-ins/elderly members of your church. Include Bible study in your visit.
  • Host a Pinterest Night! Start with a devotion. Take turns selecting a project to complete. Bring snacks and the recipes to share!
  • Have a group dinner, either pot-luck or at a restaurant.
  • Collect items for Health Care Kits/School Kits/etc., and have a meeting where all you do is construct the kits.
  • For a fun summer meeting, go to a snow cone or ice cream parlor for a sweet treat and devotion.
  • Book a party at a canvas or ceramic painting place.

We hope this will give you some good thoughts/ideas on how to preserve and
reinvigorate your LWML society.