Most Recent Gifts from the Heart Project ~

LWML has a lot of resources for you to use such as the LWML Toolkit

LWML Toolkit Kits are kit suggestions that you can use for Gifts from the Heart in your district, zone, and local groups. Be sure to know where your kits will be given before you start collecting. It is suggested that agencies be contacted to be sure they can take the kits and in what quantity. Different agencies may also request certain items to better serve their clients. These kit lists are simply a “jumping off” point to use as you share God’s love and serve the Lord with Gladness.  (Click HERE for more information)

Gifts from the Heart - 2024 LWML WY District Convention

"Purple Bags Project"  providing bags of goodies to local shut-ins in the Powell area

Snack packs for Emergency Response Teams to be distributed to teams in the six zones.


This photo does not show all the items collected.  There were numerous boxes already packed and set off to the side.



Mission Service to the Visually Impaired

Gifts from the Heart - eyeglasses/cases for 2023 Convention in Milwaukee. 

Wyoming District Goal:  80 eyeglass cases
Praise The Lord!!!  Even though the official count isn't posted yet,
this goal was met several times over!!!   



Every year, LWML Districts across the nation collect items for "Gifts From the Heart" Ingatherings. The list in the photo on the right is the report from this last biennium.

Praise God From Whom
All Blessings Flow!!!

Some of the Gifts From the Heart Projects of the LWML Wyoming District/Zones included:

Hygiene Kits for Orphan Grain Train







Items for Pregnancy Center   



School Kits for Orphan Grain Train


Quilts for Lutheran World Relief





REMEMBER:  Fill out the Gifts From the Heart (Ingathering) Form
  after your event!!! Click HERE for the Form