Vice President of Christian Life:  Becky Blase

Responsibilities of the VP of Christian Life include

  • Coordinating the Christian Life Committee, Leader Development/Hope Committee, Heart to Heart Sisters, Young Women Rep, Communications, and Senior Counselor
  • In charge of the Craft Fair at District Conventions
  • Serve as District Historian by keeping a history of the district through a district scrapbook
  • Take pictures at board meetings, workshops and conventions
  • Plan and supervise historian display at District Convention and encourage each Zone Historian to participate
  • Purchase past president's pin for District President upon completion of her term of office.
  • Submit a two year report for the District Convention Manual.  

As Historian/Archivist of the Wyoming District, I am set with the task of preserving our district history. I am in the process of  exploring ways in which we can preserve the numerous scrapbooks that a being stored at the LCMS Wyoming District Office in Casper, WY.

I encourage Zones to revisit their archives.  Are they kept up-to-date? Are there scrapbooks that are falling apart and need attention?   I attended a workshop at the National Convention in Milwaukee. 

 Click HERE for a link to the LWML Historian/Archivist Resource